Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Art of Loving a Woman

I chanced upon this post on Facebook by Ricky Tsang, and I was actually quite moved by it.

This article presents the viewpoint of a man (Ricky) who wants to "love" a women, and discovers that romance is, as all men probably would know by now, the best way. However, being diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a muscular degeneration disorder affecting about 1 in 36,000 boys (thanks Wikipedia), he is unable to caress the women he loves because he has "no strength in my frail hands to touch her face."

When I read this, I'm am reminded of how blessed I am, to be able to chase skirts, and even capture the girl of my dreams through my actions; either by the works of my hands, or the glib of my mouth.

Ricky goes through all normal human emotions and thought processes, but he is just not able to touch her, to have that intimate connection through physical contact. He explores love and romance through something more than physicality and is able to portray this connection, this emotional, heart tugging connection through his words. 

Here's the article, and hopefully, this will form part of your repertoire of your love to your cherished one.

The Art of Loving a Woman by Ricky Tsang

Sometimes it feels as though I’m in a different dimension. Even with friends and family, I’m still so out of place. I remain alone, yet solitude keeps me calm. It’s cold where I am, this perpetual dream of silence. Like the darkness of outer space, I await for sunlight to find me…

Her: “Ricky, what would you do to me if we were together right now?”

Me: “I’d look into your eyes, gently brushing your hair away. As I gaze into your heart, I’d run my fingers down your cheek; index to your lips. I’d ask you to close your eyes and surrender to the rush of a summer breeze. I’d kiss you as I lower my hands into yours with fingers interlocking.”

But it’s impossible. I’ve no strength in my frail hands to touch her face, as much as I need to make her see and perhaps fall in love with me. How does one reach a woman’s heart without the physical touch? It’s a question I’ve asked myself, time and time again. All I really have is a handful of words to discover this art.

To love a woman is a journey of romance, through even the simplest ways. They say love at first sight is shallow, but if you allow yourself to believe it can only exist without limitations, then and only then will you find the physical extensions of her heart. Her eyes, smile, and touch are capable of bringing you closer, while your destination is to find her at the end of each path.

As you venture through the walls of her heart, you’ll find reason to redefine your redefinition of romance. Before falling, we find comfort in solitude, but as it continues, we learn a need that overpowers every fibre of our beings. The way a woman desires for her man to change is often considered a flaw as acceptance is a significant part of love. However, when you take the time to discover her intentions, it’s about letting her guide you to become the man you were always meant to be.

When you have the desire to understand her, you’ll also find innocence. Aside from romance, she’s so much more. She’s your best friend; someone to share your dreams with, for romance isn’t always the key to finding her heart. It’s the ability to warm her through other means as desire inspires you to make her laugh and cry and dream of beautiful things.

To love a woman is a journey of discovery. Through innocence, you’ll notice splendour in her every move. It’s about finding it within the crevices of her heart, even when she feels a mess. When you acknowledge it’s only her feelings, you’re also acknowledging her beauty, no matter how, when, or where. Remove yourself from the boundaries of common romanticisms and know she’s beautiful the way she is.

What matters is that you’re there for her. It’s to build a connection, and put yourself in her shoes. It’s to make love with and not only to her. When she’s with child, you must recognize she isn’t pregnant alone.

One day, when you find her falling upon your arms in a moment of weakness, it’s about giving her wings and hoping for her stay. It’s to show her she’s loved and not only by you.

And when you realize her tears aren’t really tears, but beautiful heart cries instead, that’s when you’ve taken the first step in discovering the art of loving a woman. This is where I am.

If there’s a way to reach a woman’s heart without the touch of my fingertips, I promise that I’ll find it, even if it takes the death of a billion trillion stars. I have to believe it’s a learning process so if ever she comes along, I’ll know how I should bring joy into her life. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

sweet sugary love

Donuts... or doughnuts?

That word would probably conjure up this famous image - an overweight policeman, siting in his car, or leaning against his police car, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a pink sugary crusted donut in the other. Is that what came into your mind?

The reason: Many years ago, 24 hour stores were non-existent. Policemen who worked the night shift would have to wait until the stores opened. Donut shops and coffee joints were typically the first shops to be opened, and that's where all hungry people would go!

Ta-da! now you know the connection between donuts and policemen!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Why do you buy a suit?

3 tips for the suit-starved man...

1) DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT listen to the person selling you your suit

Remember, his goal is to sell you a suit. It doesn't mean the suit he is selling you fits you perfectly. Granted, most humans are actually nice, but unless you are at a high-end retailer or a tailor, what they recommend usually doesn't well.. cut it. Remember that your body type affects the cut and even material you buy. If in doubt, buy suits made from wool, go for at least 75% or more wool. Actually, just get suits made from at least 75% wool.

Plus, his sense of style is going to be different than yours. You may be looking at a single breasted piece, he may prefer an Italian job. 

2) Ask yourself the reason for buying a suit

The choice of suits depends on the function it is going to perform. If you are going for business meetings, look for what I call a classic suit - single breasted, 2 buttons in either navy blue or black.
Don't fret, these suits are can used in a casual setting too.

Or you may want to look like you own the town; a Italian double breasted pinstriped suit.

Of course, if you don't wear it properly, you'd end up looking like a mafia hit man with poor colour co-ordination and mouth full of expletives. Don't forget your tommy gun!

3) Know your size

We all think that we know our size, but actually, not many of us do. A suit fits perfectly, with just a lining of your cuffs showing at your wrist, shoulder pads seated nicely and no bulging areas (i'll close one eye on the tummy), or overly tight areas. The suit should fit perfectly, and not look like you are drowning in it, or bursting at the seams. When buttoned, the suit should not be too tight, and you should have about one fist's worth of space between your chest and the inner lining of the suit. I'll talk more about sizing in another post!

Side note: Some people have asked if this is wool:

 No, a 100 percent NO! It is actually yarn, but some people call them woolen suits. That's where the confusion starts.

This is a wool suit.

 The material's a little... furry if I may use that term, and it may itch initially, but keep wearing it, and it will be oh so comfortable.

So watch out for the next post on sizing, and the actual parts of a suit!