Monday, December 31, 2012

A new year, a new title, a new resolution

Blessed New Year people! It is 2013 for most parts of the world at the time of this writing.

I made a few changes to the blog to give myself more room for writing, not just focusing on what a guy would need and want in terms of.. what they want, but also for me to make comments on certain life changing events that doesn't relate to why men would want. One such example is buying a new pair of soccer boots. Not every guy out there plays soccer, and therefore, they need to be shot.

A leather donut signifies that this blog is a sugary reptilian repulsive black hole, and my blog will represent all that it is in its scaly, heart stopping, glucose rising glory. You'll hopefully see food posts included too, especially when you need to bring your girl out for a lovely evening out. I'd even tell you where to get protection. (Hint, you can call for delivery).

I do apologize for the extremely long absence. I've been busy with work and school, and even though I started quite a few drafts, I never did complete them. My new years resolution is to at the very least, have two articles a month, which by internet blogging standards, is at a speed where you'd watch a blade of grass grow. But unfortunately, much as I'd like to do it once a week, I'd be honest and say that I'm a lazy piece of A**. Yes, I'd rather sit in front of the telly and watch "The Big Bang Theory" and say I Love You to Robin Scherbatsky. Oh hey, How I Met Your Mother is on!

Don't mind me taking this bottle of KY Jelly, and I'll see you sometime soon.

Happy new year every one!

Stay tuned........... and pray that gas prices will drop!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Is the "perfect" trouser real?

A quick guide choosing a "perfect" pair of trouser!

What constitutes a perfect pair of trouser?

Do you hate it when you always step on the cuffs of your trouser? In despair because your too-short trouser reveal your daddy-long-legs lookalike you call leg-hair?

Look no further! Here's a really really quick guide to choosing your trouser.

  • Trouser Fit
Nothing screams out unprofessional more than ill fitting trouser. The trouser should be loose enough to be comfortable, but fitting enough that it will not slide off your body on its own. The "perfect" pair of trouser should  follow your body shape; sit nicely just above your waist, tapered all the way to the ankles. I'm sure you won't want to meet your clients looking like this:

  • Trouser Length
Ever been to a meeting where one guy always has issues with his trouser? He keeps pulling them up to avoid stepping on the cuffs? Or the other guy from your office who, when crosses his legs you see his leg hair and ankle socks?

Too little break:

Too much break:

Just right:

  • Pleats vs pleat-less

Pleats are little folds of fabric that are permanently fixed in place, running from the waistband down to the area where the zipper ends. The purpose of pleats is to add flexibility to the front of the trousers, expanding slightly when the wearer sits or stretches, and keeps the smooth appearance of the trouser without wrinkling and/or tightening. So, the age old question, to pleat or not to pleat? Well, it depends. Skinny men may look sloppy as pleats add layers to the trousers and make the trouser seem too big for them, while bigger sized men may go with pleats for flexibility and comfort. 

I hope this post will help you out a long way in choosing a pair of trousers.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Goodness, I didn't realize that time has passed so quickly. It's now 13th March, and I've been busy with work and neglecting this blog (not that there's much to boast about).

But never mind that, I want to tell you about my dad's car, the 2006 Toyota Altis.

The Toyata Altis is the 9th generation Corolla in this world, and it is the best selling car with over 37 million cars sold worldwide in 143 countries. Presently, the 10th model is out and with the current COE prices, a staggering, mind-blowing 113,000 Singapore dollars! And the worst thing, the new model isn't worth eighty thousand dollars, let alone a hundred.

The car I drive on a daily basis was the first model to be made in Thailand, and that's where the sloppiness of the *ahem*... locals show. The interior is made of plastic. Everywhere your fingernails "accidentally" scratch, there's this irritating plastic sound - the kind of sound that you hear when you tap your nails on your keyboard, or your remote controller... horrors! Even the porta-potty!!

To drive the car, you need to be backward looking - by that I mean you need to make sure the drivers behind won't be sounding their horns at you while you decide that an overtaking manuver is due. For some reason, the power of the car kicks in at about 4000 rpm to about 5000, and when you're in third gear or so. No one in their right mind in Singapore will rev to that kind of limit, with petrol going at 2.15 per litre!

Basically, it sports (I should find a better term for that cause it ain't no sporty.. how about mounts? Giddy-yups?) a 1.6litre DOHC VVT-i engine, with retractable side mirrors! Apparently cars of that that year (2006) that's competiting in the subcompact car market doesn't have retractable side mirrors! Even my girlfriend's 2006 Sonata's side mirrors need to be manually retracted. How terrible troublesome. Imagine that your the only person and you drove off. When you exit the expressway at 110kmph you look left, only to see yourself staring at well, yourself! HORRORS!

I'm not entirely sure of the specs, but I believe the engine churns out 110 bhp, and 150 nm worth of torque. (ahh, this explains the powerband of 4000-5000rpm). When you drive it, you feel like you're in a racing simulator, when you turn left, your body leans left. That tells you alot about the chassis.

Ride comfort I must say is something. If you can sleep all the way to KL and back, it's good. However, the sound proofing leaves something to be desire - better sound proofing. Probably like the Lexus, so muchso that you won't hear the dying screams of a man being run over by your car whilst you drive. That my friends, is good sound proofing.

Good thing is though, it is a car made to last. Toyota knows how to make cars last, even though when you see them you want to gourge your eyes out. That's probably how Toyota became the most popular car maker in the world, it found itself a niche. When everyone around you breaks down and start dropping like flies, know for certain my friends, a Toyota will bring you to the moon and back in one piece. Just try not to crash. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hope you had a good CNY collecting red packets, visiting relatives and swiping their delicious ba kwa.

For my next post I will talk about losing weight, without exercising... much.

Till then, cheers!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Of shaky hands and facial hair

Do you get cuts the size of Singapore when you shave?

If you do, either you're doing it wrongly, or... you have the facial features of the planet Mars.

Interestingly, there's not such thing as a right or wrong shave. Against the grain, upstrokes, downstrokes, it really depends on you!

This is how I do it -

It always begins by prepping your skin. I'd use a facial wash, the Biotherm Hydra Detox blah blah, which cleanses and removes all impurities and oil from the face. Wash it off with warm water. If however you have the facial features of an orangutan... I'm sorry, you need something more than a wash, probably a automatic car wash.

Always always use a good shaver. Invest in one that makes you look like Roger Federer, not Karl Marx. I'm using the Gillette Fusion razor, and I think it's fantastic.

Use shaving cream, I cannot stress how important this is! I use a Nivea shaving gel with ultra glide technology. The purpose of the cream helps to prep the skin, soften the hair and to create a microscopic layer on your skin to make sure you don't cut yourself, unless you are going through puberty and have pimples the size of tennis balls all over your face. By right, you should use a proper badger brush to apply the shaving cream, and rinse it with warm water in a tub, BUT, being a typical Singaporean your hand suffice. Just remember to apply it against the grain, in a circular motion.

Shaving. Always wet shave. That means leaving your face/moustache/beard/mutton chops wet! Of course, if you have a beard/moustache you might want to use a pair of bolt cutters.

Start with the 'chops'. Shave down to the edge of your chin.
Cheeks. Follow the grain down to your chin.
For your neck, shave against the grain for a very close shave.
Always rinse after a stroke!
For the chin and upper lip area, use a light downward stroke as these are sensitive areas. Followup with upward strokes for a closer shave.

Rinse with cold water, and use a proper aftershave too! I use the Ahava aftershave moisturizer.

And there you have it. A proper shave without nicks and cuts.

Since I don't post pictures, I've a link to Gillette that shows you their way of doing it.

You now don't have to worry about bleeding to death from razor blades anymore!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

BMW M5 is coming... to town

News this week.

COE prices down. Finally, the tax on owning a car drops. Parents everywhere in Singapore, rejoice!

Bajaj RE60 is the "World cheapest car". BAH! With a 200cc engine, it's only going to be sick everywhere you go. Even the Hyundai Getz or Cherry QQ at 1.1cc struggles to bring me up a mild incline slope. I doubt I can even get out of my basement carpark.

More importantly, the BMW M5 is coming to Singapore. I'm so excited I shaking! Imagine a 4.4 litre V8 twin turbo engine,  7 speed automatic coming at you. I'll be very very afraid. So bad that I'd want to wet my pants, and yet get hot and bothered by this super cool car. Zero to 100 in 4.4 seconds. If I do get my hands on one, or see one on the road, I'll tell you how dumb I look in my Toyota.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The car which made James Bond look good

A gentle tap on the pedal and you feel the back swerve just a little bit. The Pirelli tyres fight for grip and off you go. Barely 4 and a half seconds later, you've already past the 100kmph mark. Keep your foot down on the accelerator and you'll reach a top speed of over 300kmph.

If you see one on the streets, you'll gush over it, and would even trade in your wife for one.

The car - the Aston Martin DBS V12.

The Aston Martin DBS V12, a car made of, lets face it, expensive plastic, but nonetheless, plastic. It produces 510 brake horsepower, 570NM and carbon ceramic disc brakes. It does 6km to the litre, and with a tank of 78 litres, you can go up and down the PIE 11 times! Of course, that's not including the traffic conditions, and with a light foot. With a heavy foot and a jam at every exit, I'm guessing you'll probably need to pull out at Stevens Road exit for the petrol station. Even so, you might need to push the last 100 metres.

A coupe version, manual of course, will set you back 875,000 Singapore Dollars!! And that's before COE! For a piece of plastic and a hungry petrol drinking V12 monster, whose growls terrifies the ghosts of Pulau Tekong.

I've only been on it once, and of course, it wasn't mine. But it was love at first sight.

I'd love to tell you about the handling, but I can't. All I can remember was that the gear changes were jerky and a slightly cramped interior. That was probably because I'm kinda fat.

Now, if someone were to loan me one, I'd write about it with greater detail; how the interior tastes like, how cold the air-conditioning is etc.

As life would have it, I can only hide in my room with my hands in my pants staring at the DBS V12 on my computer screen, behind closed doors. 3 tissues of tissues, 1 dollar. Want to buy?